Why Does Your Ducted Heating Not Work in All Rooms?

You want a comfortable warm temperature in your house and that's just what your ducted heating system is for! But you may have noticed something strange; certain rooms in your house are perfectly warm, but others never seem to get enough heat. Uneven temperature can be frustrating but no worries, everyone's been there, where small problems cause their heating system to break down. Or they may be a sign of bigger issues? Maybe you need professional help, but first just look at the most common problems that could be the reason behind uneven heating in your house.

Why does your ducted heating not work in all rooms? The reason might be one of these: wrong-sized ductwork, poor insulation, leakages or blockages, a failing heater, lack of maintenance, or a broken thermostat.

Let's identify the core ducted heater problems and find a solution for them as well.

1) Wrong Sized Ductwork

If the ductwork in your house is of the wrong size, your house won't be getting the right airflow it needs. This not only affects the balance of heating in your house, but can also result in long-term damage to your ducted heating system. For example, in winters poor airflow can affect the ducted system to evaporate coils to freeze up. Similarly, on hot summer days overheating can arise. It can lead to permanently damaging your heating system.

2) Leakages or Blockages in the Ducts

Ducts are located on the floor or ceilings that might be blocked by something that interferes with airflow, hence the unequal temperature. Ducts are made of flimsy and cheap material, and can easily be crushed or get cracked, and can cause a 30% loss of airflow. Small leaks from ducted heating can affect airflow throughout the house; whereas large leaks can eliminate completely the airflow to distant rooms.

If your ducted heating is not blowing hot air, it might indicate a clogged air filter. Cracks in ducts can also accumulate dust and debris that can block the air vents.

3) Broken Thermostat

Once you confirm your heater is working fine and there is no leakage or blockage, then you might need to look at the thermostat. A broken thermostat might be a reason why some of the rooms are getting uneven heating and why your ducted heating is not working. The thermostat regulates the heat pump and furnace, if this has a defect, then certain rooms of your house could be heated ineffectively. Malfunction of the thermostat happens because of low batteries, or problems with wiring or sensors. If your thermostat is an old one, you might need to upgrade to a new programmable thermostat.

4) Poor Insulation

One of the common ducted heater problems is the lack of adequate insulation. Poor insulation is seen mostly in older homes. If your ducted heating system lacks insulation, it might be one of the problems behind uneven heat. Reflective insulation systems lessen the radiant heat gain; hence, insulating all rooms will decrease the heat flow by effective resistance. If your home doesn't maintain the right flow of warm and cool air, more energy will be used; thus, increasing the bill. Even if there is only one room having this issue, you'll end up overrunning your ducted heating system, which can result in  a hefty bill.

5) A Failing Heater

The big reason why your ducted heating is not working in all rooms is because of an old age heater. If your heater has been warming your house for more than 15 years, now is the right time to change it. Uneven heating is an indication that an old heater is losing its power. Have an inspection by an HVAC expert to diagnose and confirm the reason. A licensed technician can advise whether to replace the old one or not.

6) Lack of Maintenance

Uneven heating in your house might be a result of skipping routine maintenance. So, a simple solution is a ducted heating service. Just like all conditioning systems, ducted heating needs to be maintained regularly to avoid the issue; like a breakdown of a heat pump, furnace, or other ducted heater problems. Ducted heating has many mechanical parts that need regular checking, sometimes filters get clogged, air ducts can disconnect, loose belts, blower motors get dirty, or similar things can happen. If these issues occur, the performance of the heating system will get compromised, causing uneven heating. Ducted heating needs to be inspected every 12 months.

7) Rooms are located far away

The thermostat regulates the temperature better in the room they are installed in. So it goes without saying, the room which is farthest away from the furnace or cooling unit will naturally get the less conditioned air. That can cause that room to have less airflow than the rest of the house.

The Solution to Uneven Temperature

Let's look at the recommended solutions to repair the ducted heater.

Find and fix up leaky ductwork: Locate the source of leakages and shut them with duct tape. We recommend professional help, as they have pressurizing equipment to locate them fast.

Install better insulation: Install better insulation in your home to reduce the impact of environmental factors on the temperature inside your home. Again, we recommend getting professional help to avoid any damage to the system.

Add a new ductwork system: Get your system inspected by a professional to determine if your HVAC or ductwork needs replacement. If you find improper sized HVAC or ductwork in your home, then replace it with a new one altogether. It is an expensive option, but it might be a solution for some extreme cases.

Add a zoning system: Room zoning systems help control the inadequate temperature on each floor. This thermostat has control panels throughout your home and a zoned system can ensure the adequate amount of airflow to each room.

If you're still not sure why your ducted heater is not working, then Heating Experts is here to help. We are fully insured and licensed technicians who can repair your ducted heating system at affordable prices compared to the market. Give us a call at 1300 100 040 for a same-day booking.