How Does Ducted Gas Heating Work?

The cold, freezing winds blowing outside make you grateful for the gas heater that keeps you warm all winter. However, many of us have no idea how it works. Understanding the working of ducted gas heating system helps take better care of it and allows you to choose the right time for ducted gas heating system maintenance, repair, or replacement.

Ducted gas heating system requires many components to produce the warm air we take for granted. In its simplest form, a ducted gas heating system collects cold air from your living area and converts it to warm air, providing a comfortable environment in winters.

Essential Components That Make Up A Ducted Heating System

A ducted gas heating system has different parts that ensure its functions. These include;

1) Heating Unit

It's the first stage of installing a ducted heating system that uses a fan to collect cold air and then heats it with gas. The heating unit is usually kept outside where there is plenty of access to cold air, but you can also keep it inside without any issue.

2) Insulated Ducts

After the heating unit has heated the air, it’s distributed through different parts of the house using insulated ducts and pipes.

3) Registers & Vents

Warm air from inducted ducts and pipes is released through registers and vents.

4) Grills

The grilles return air to the heating unit, replacing hot air with cold air for the heating unit to heat.

5) Thermostat

The thermostat controls the temperature of the room and regulates the rest of the ducted heating system.

Working of a Ducted Gas Heating System

A ducted gas heater uses a single heating unit to keep the entire house heated at a comfortable temperature. The ducts are connected with the central heating unit installed usually outside the house, in the attic or roof.

The ducts are well-designed according to the structure of the house, and their ends open up in the floor, walls, or the ceiling of the room.

The heaters heat the air from the fan, which is directly transferred in the ducts that open up in the rooms through the duct outlets. Therefore, the ducts should be well insulated to avoid any heat loss.

The air grills collect the air from the room and send it back to the heater through vents. This recirculation of heat is necessary to keep a constant temperature - no matter how low the temperature outside may fall.

Benefits of Ducted Gas Heating System

A proper ducted gas heating system installation requires effort but provides numerous benefits to your home, in addition to keeping your house warm.

  • Ducted gas heating systems save you from escalating electricity bills, as these operate on natural gas only. You can get 4, 5, 6, and now even 7-star heaters.
  • The system is uniquely designed to heat the rooms as you need. You can use different temperatures for different rooms at the same time. This makes it highly efficient and worthwhile installing. Vents ensure that warm air is distributed evenly throughout the home.
  • It is one of the quietest heating options available.
  • It does not affect the overall appearance of your home; because only grills mounted in the ceiling or floor are visible.

Connect to Heating Experts Today

To enjoy winter blessings at their best, keep your house temperature at the coziest level by installing an efficient ducted heating system. If you need professional ducted gas heating service, repair or installation, call Heating Experts today.

Our technicians and experts are just a phone call away. Call us now 1300 100 040.