Common HVAC Problems Business Owners Face

When it comes to your business’s day-to-day operations, your heating and cooling system can make a huge difference. These are a vital part of your business that can enhance productivity. If something goes wrong with your business’s HVAC system, it is not only inconvenient, but could lower the profit for your business. For that reason, you need to prevent an air conditioning emergency. The best way is to understand the common HVAC problems that business owners face.

Let’s take a look at some of the problems and learn how to handle them.

Problem # 1 – Uneven temperatures

If there are some areas of your commercial space that are warmer or cooler than others, it means the air is not balanced correctly. Uneven temperatures are a common problem faced by business owners. This problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible. A professional HVAC technician can help inspect the real issue of uneven temperatures. There might be a need for additional air vents, or another thermostat to maintain desired temperature levels. An experienced team from Heating Experts can provide a cost-effective solution either way.

Problem # 2 – Odd sounds

It’s important to have a quiet HVAC system in a commercial space where employees are working. Most importantly, odd sounds from your HVAC can have a bad impression on customers. Strange sounds coming from the air conditioning or heating system are always distracting for both the employees and customers. All you need is to hire an AC professional if you hear any strange sounds from your HVAC. With the help of preventative HVAC maintenance, Heating Experts can keep your unit working safely and efficiently.

Problem # 3 – Water leakage

Water leakage from vents is one of the most common HVAC problems that business owners face. There are many causes of water leakage such as dirty air filters or clogged drain pipes. Your air conditioning system works harder to keep your space cool on summer days. As a result, it leads to water dripping from your AC system. Shut off your air conditioning unit immediately if you notice water leaks, and call us for a quick repair.

Problem # 4 – Thermostat issues

Do you have a large commercial space for your business? Many business owners face thermostat issues because it is responsible for regulating the temperature in large areas. As a result, it may not be able to maintain temperature throughout your building. This is where you need to install a smart programmable thermostat. Such a thermostat can automatically regulate the temperature throughout the different areas of your building depending on your needs. You can also install multiple thermostats to achieve the same thing. But, it’s always better to have one central thermostat installed.

Problem # 5 – Tripped breakers or blown fuses

The furnace trips a circuit breaker when the blower is overworking. It is one of the most common HVAC problems in commercial spaces.  A blower must work harder if something is blocking airflow to your HVAC system. A dirty air filter could be the cause. The energy consumption increases when the blower works hard to compensate. As a result, it trips the circuit breaker. We provide reliable, professional HVAC service to ensure the optimum working of your air conditioning or heating system. Call us on 1300 100 040.