Benefits of Regular Heater Service

A regular heater service is a relatively inexpensive investment and it could improve the comfort in your home, increase your home's safety, allow you to breathe cleaner air and save you money in the long run. It can do all this while offering you greater peace of mind and help you be kinder to the environment at the same time.

Here are the five principal reasons why you should get a regular heater service.

#1 Save money

Keeping your heater maintained can prevent the following

  • Potential costly breakdowns
  • Higher energy bills
  • The lifetime of your HVAC system being reduced
  • Your warranty being voided

For example, getting your heating system serviced regularly can reduce your risk of potentially more costly breakdown by up to 95%. Think of it like changing the oil in your car, if you don't do this every 30,000 miles your engine would eventually stop working.

#2 Improve the indoor air quality

Research conducted by the EPA shows that the levels of airborne pollutants indoors can be 2 to 5 times higher than those found outdoors. This is particularly troubling for families who have members who suffer from asthma or other respiratory issues. Getting your air ducts professionally cleaned regularly will prevent the buildup of mildew, mold other potential pollutants.

#3 Maintain a comfortable living environment

The entire purpose of installing an HVAC system to begin with is to keep the environment in your home comfortable all year round. Paying for a regular heater service would ensure that your system continues to distribute cool or warm air steadily and evenly when you want it. Without regular maintenance, HVAC systems can quickly become noisy and smelly and even stop working all together.

#4 Protect the home and family

A regular heater service will help safeguard your family against elevated carbon monoxide levels in their home. This colorless, odorless gas can prove fatal at high levels, but even at low levels it produces serious health problems. We know faulty heaters to be among the most common producers of carbon monoxide in the home. Getting a regular service from an HVAC professional will help prevent any such problem arising.

#5 Save the environment

More and more families are becoming concerned with their carbon footprint and they know that HVAC systems if not regularly serviced consume considerable amounts of energy and this is not good for our planet. Working with a heating professional can help you reduce the impact your HVAC system is having on the environment.

#6 Enjoy the peace of mind

Investing in a regular heater service or any preventative maintenance in your home offers you additional peace of mind and comfort. When you know that you've taken every step possible to keep you and your family safe, then it makes sleeping at night easier.

If you need an experienced heater service technician in your area, please contact one of our team of professionals today. Call us on 1300 100 040.